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Adding a Water Feature to Your Yard

Adding a Water Feature to Your Yard

Adding a Water Feature to Your Yard

If you feel like your backyard is missing something in particular, a water feature could be just what you need to breathe new life into the outdoors. There are many different types of water features to consider, such as a pond or waterfall. Running or standing water has a peaceful, relaxing quality, and water features allow you to bring this natural beauty right into your own garden. You may be thinking that the care and maintenance of a water feature may not be worth it, but they require a lot less labor than you might think.

There are a few simple guidelines and understanding how your water feature lives and breathes.

Water fountains are much easier to manage than a water garden. Fountains need to be cleaned periodically, but they actually require little maintenance. If you want to have a successful water garden, you will probably need to invest a little more time, especially when you are trying to establish it for the first time. When creating a water garden, it is vital that you understand the relationships between the plants and animals that coexist in this environment. 

If you want your water garden to thrive, you will need to take extra care in choosing the right fauna and flora.

Many new pond owners have problems with algae. If you don't want to clean your pond every few weeks, adding some fish can be a big help, as can floating plants that help reduce the amount of sunlight reaching the algae. Make sure you don't have an excessive amount of chlorine in your water, especially if you have fish. 

You may want to install a pump and/or filter in addition to periodically checking the pH level of the water (it should be between six and eight).

If you're installing your pond for yourself, ask professionals for advice on how to get started. If you're still not sure where to start, you can also purchase one of several books that can guide you step-by-step through the process of creating your own water garden. Once your pond is established, maintenance will likely be minimal.

Many people find that adding a water feature to their garden can literally transform their entire environment. Ponds, fountains and waterfalls add natural beauty and serenity to any outdoor area, no matter how small or modest.

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