There are so many simple, yet really safe, ways to acquire wealth, it is a wonder that everyone with a minimum of Ambition is no longer rich. When you analyze it, the only things anyone needs to make wads of money are the long-term vision and the energy to implement a plan to make money.
One of the easiest methods of generating wealth and the most often used by "smart" people, is to provide the experience, equipment or growth capital to start promising businesses.
Basically, you buy as a co-owner or limited partner; Then, as the business grows and adapts with your help, you reap his share of rewards.
The beautiful thing about this whole concept is that you can Repeat this procedure over and over again. You can start Ith, say, marketing and sales leadership for small, garage-type businesses.
business: then with his holdings and profits from that business, invest in another and keep doing it until you have a from twenty-five to an unlimited number of companies. Looking to the idea from the point of view of the dollar's return, if it were getting $200 a month from 25 different businesses, your monthly payment the income would be no less than $5,000 and that's not too bad.
for a rookie millionaire.
Look around your own area.
With just a little business sense and perception, you will surely find hundreds of small companies that could do better, maybe even become giants Inus-with your help.
Most small businesses need, and would appreciate, marketing, Promotional, advertising and sales help. If a quick survey of the business excites you with the potential profits.
which can be done with just a few changes that you can suggest, then you?
They are on the way.
Basically, make an appointment to see and talk to business owners about some ideas and help they could duplicate or triple your profits. When you approach them like that, they will almost certainly want to see and hear you. You have to do it.
When preparing for your meeting,
write your ideas on paper. Put together in impressive marketing or profit potential Folio Summarize your ideas, the costs involved, and the end result.
benefit to obtain.
Then, when you arrive at the meeting, be sure to look and act. part of a successful businessperson. Some jokes for Break the ice and start with your presentation.
Through your proposal, you must instill confidence that you can do everything you claim for him. Guide you through the presentation to the final benefits ---- all for a limited 10 or 20 percent partnership in business, which really won't cost you anything. Of course, if you are reluctant to give up any part of
your property, you return with the idea of being hired as consultant.
Almost all small businesses need some type of help. The owners getting caught up in a multitude of everyday problems and things that do. They find that there are simply not enough hours in the day to
handle everything that needs to be attended to and finished neglecting or postponing some of the things they should be doing to keep the business thriving.
As a result, the long struggle the survival of companies begins, with more than 60% of them selling with losses or simply closing the store.
The other way to "cut yourself" into a piece of someone else's body The business is to supply the necessary money. If you can find 10 or 15 thousand dollars, you can easily "buy" some small
business. Make sure you look at the business (and your market). potential) finished; but once you spot one it really can be a winner with just a little operating cash or money to expansion, then start calculating!
There can be an endless supply of these types of companies to choose from. since, simply by publishing a small advertisement in your diary